Performance Improvement Education
The Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation (PTSF) is the statewide resource and experts in trauma Performance Improvement (PI) working to advance trauma PI efforts throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Our organization oversees efforts involving the implementation and evaluation of a data-driven trauma PI program throughout the state.
We support hospitals in optimizing their trauma PI programs and provide valuable performance improvement education. We do this not just because it is our directive, but because it is also our passion.
Take a Class — Trauma Performance Improvement
PTSF|Performance Improvement: PI Theory & Overview (PI Part 1) is a required course for new TPMs and PICs, within their first year of hire, as described in the 2023 PTSF Educational Offerings document.
Expand your PI knowledge by participating in courses presented by Kathleen Martin, MSN, RN!
Triage OFI Definition Review
Loop Closure
Loop closure is the last step in PI, and the most important step! The session below gives an overview of the PI process with a focus on how to obtain and document loop closure within the Outcomes software.
Already completed the above courses?
There are many more courses for you to expand your knowledge base.Check out the PI Education available at KnowledgeConnex
PI Presentations from previous PTSF Annual Conferences
2020 PTSF Annual Conference *to access videos enter password: PTSF
- Hospital Events VAP and Pneumonia VIDEO | PDF
- Scenarios for Hospital Event V-A-P Easy as 1-2-3 VIDEO | PDF
- Pediatric Imaging Update VIDEO | PDF
- Identifying and Addressing Delirium: Confusion Assessment Measure-ICU VIDEO | PDF
- PI In Motion: Nelson Non Surgical Admission Tool and Need For Trauma Intervention (NFTI) VIDEO | PDF
- Whole Blood in Trauma: Developing a LTOWB Program at Your Center VIDEO | PDF
- Trauma Center Mentor & Mentee Collaboration: How to Make it Work VIDEO | PDF
2019 PTSF Annual Conference
- 90-Day Submission-Maximizing the Loop Closure Process VIDEO
2018 PTSF Annual Conference
- PI for Inter-Facility Transfers: Intra-Network & Out-of-Network PDF
- Billing for Level IV Trauma Accreditation PDF
- Just Say Yes! A Plan & Process for Rapid Transfer Out PDF
What Is The PA-TQIP Collaborative?
The Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) was created by the American College of Surgeons to improve the quality of care for trauma patients in trauma centers. By collecting data from your trauma center, TQIP provides feedback about your center’s performance and identifies institutional characteristics that your trauma center staff can implement to improve patient outcomes.
Pennsylvania also participates in TQIP through a statewide collaborative. The PA-TQIP Collaborative (PA-TQIP) is a group consisting of PA trauma centers working together with the shared goal of trauma system quality improvement.
For more information about the PA-TQIP Collaborative and how PTSF supports this initiative to improve performance in trauma centers throughout the Commonwealth, click the link below.