trauma room

Performance Improvement Resources

As the statewide resource and experts in trauma Performance Improvement (PI), the PTSF works to advance trauma PI efforts throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. We oversee efforts throughout the state involving the implementation and evaluation of a data-driven trauma PI program. We also support hospitals in optimizing their trauma PI programs and provide valuable performance improvement education.

We do this not just because it is our directive, but because it is also our passion.

To provide you more readily with valuable information pertaining to Performance Improvement, we have compiled a list of resources for you to check out.

PI for Inter-Facility Transfers: Intra-Network & Out-of-Network
Presentation from 2018 PTSF Annual Conference. Presented by St. Luke's Hospital Miners Campus Trauma Program
Whole Blood in Trauma: Developing a LTOWB Program at Your Center
Presentation at the 2020 PTSF Annual Conference. Presented By: George Koenig, DO, MS, FACS
2021 VAP Checklist
NOTE: This checklist was written based on the current (2021) VAP definition. The checklist will need updated as changes are made to the VAP definition.
Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient
American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient, 7th Edition "The Gray Book"
Trauma Outcomes Policy (TO-100)
Timeliness of Submission to TraumaHQ PIPS Central Site
TOPIC Information & Registration
The Society of Trauma Nurses "Trauma Outcomes and Performance Improvement Course" program information and registration
Protected: Central Site Standardization Work Group
Submitting Death Reviews to a Central Site (revised December 2016)
Action Plan Template
Template for developing PI corrective action plans. Must be used for Significant Issues identified in the accreditation process.
Scenarios for Hospital Event V-A-P Easy as 1-2-3
Presentation at the 2020 PTSF Annual Conference - Monday Session
Hospital Events VAP and Pneumonia
Presentation at the 2020 PTSF Annual Conference - Monday Session
90-Day Submission-Maximizing the Loop Closure Process
Presentation at the 2019 PTSF Annual Conference. Presented by: Kelly Donatelli, BSN, RN, CEN, Kathryn Hayes, RN, and Rebecca Wilde-Onia, BSN, RN, CCRN
Billing for Level IV Trauma Activations
Presentation at the 2018 PTSF Annual Conference. Presented by St. Luke's Hospital Miners Campus Trauma Program
Just Say Yes! A Plan & Process for Rapid Transfer Out
Presentation at the 2018 PTSF Annual Conference. Presented by: Alexandra Evans, RN, BSN, Trauma Program Manager at Lehigh Valley Hospital-Hazleton