trauma room

Become a Trauma Center

In order to become a Trauma Center, hospitals undergo a rigorous program development and accreditation process. Hospitals must comply with the PTSF Standards of Accreditation and undergo a Site Survey Visit, completed by experienced trauma professionals, to validate compliance with the Standards and evaluate clinical care, performance improvement and administrative commitment.

The Trauma Center Accreditation Pursuit Process:

The procedure for becoming an accredited trauma center is the same whether the facility is a small center or one of the largest hospitals in Pennsylvania. The process includes (some steps may be simultaneous):

For more details on the process for becoming an accredited trauma center in Pennsylvania, refer to the PTSF Policy AC-130 and/or contact the PTSF Director of Accreditation. All hospitals in the trauma center accreditation pursuit process should also be aware of the PTSF’s recommendation for the use of Trauma Program Consultants.

Media Notification of Trauma Center Accreditation Status

The Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation disseminates a statewide press release of all accredited trauma centers after each PTSF Board of Director’s Meeting.

It is vital that accreditation communications initially come directly from the PTSF. The PTSF suggests that new trauma centers have all hospital media notifications reviewed by the PTSF for accuracy prior to publication. Please contact Juliet Altenburg, PTSF President with further questions.

A Statewide Trauma System:

  • Makes the delivery of trauma care cost effective
  • Reduces the incidence of inappropriate or inadequate trauma care
  • Prevents unnecessary suffering and reduces the personal and societal burden resulting from trauma

The Goals and Objectives of a Trauma Care System Include:

  • Providing optimal care for the trauma victim
  • Preventing unnecessary death and disability from trauma and emergency illness
  • Conducting trauma prevention activities to decrease the incidence of trauma

You Can Become Part of The Pennsylvania Trauma System!

  • Contact PTSF for an on-site or web-enabled visit to discuss becoming a trauma center
  • Partner with a Level I or Level II Trauma Center

Contact PTSF

Note: Prior to initiating the accreditation pursuit process, PTSF staff are available to visit a hospital and provide education on the trauma center development process including levels of accreditation, the accreditation process, related fees, the value and commitment to performance improvement, and guidance on performing an analysis of resources.