trauma room

Trauma Registry Education

As educational courses are developed and released for viewing, information will be posted here.

The Pennsylvania Trauma Systems Foundation provides training and accreditation to Trauma Centers and specialists in Pennsylvania with the goal of zero preventable deaths from injuries.

Better trauma nurse education, course training, and trauma site accreditation—all helps us to achieve this goal.

On this page you will find information pertaining to educational courses.

What is the AIS Coding Certificate?

AIS stands for the Abbreviated Injury Scale. The AIS coding certificate is a voluntary, periodic certification examination for all AIS coding specialists. Experienced AIS coders are encouraged to obtain certification.…

What is the CSTR?

CSTR stands for Certified Specialist in Trauma Registers. The CSTR recognizes those individuals who meet the requirements of the American Trauma Society’s Registrar Certification Board (ATSRCB) and pass the Certification…


PTSF is proud to present education on KnowledgeConnex! To access PTSF education, go to: To register for a course, click on the name of the course you would like to…

AAAM AIS 2015 Injury Coding Course

For more information regarding AAAM AIS please visit Stay tuned for further information including dates this education will be offered! AIS 2015 is not currently required for compliance and…