trauma room

Great question! This would not be considered a transport accident. To capture that (pedal cyclist injured in nontraffic accident), the device assigned primarily needs to be for conveying persons or goods from one place to another. Fall from one level to another would work best in this situation.

Hookah is not reported. The pre-existing condition Current Smoker excludes pipe, cigar, or smokeless tobacco (including vapes or e-cigarettes). Hookah is a type of pipe.

D.08 is not limited to the three listed, those are examples. I could not find the specific reference document on the ASH website either, but we’ve understood that this list is not all inclusive. The NTDB FAQ’s does tell us to report bleeding disorder for thrombocytopenia. It is for any condition where the blood does …

No, PTSF does not recommend capturing Functionally Dependent Health Status with documentation of a prosthetic eye as a prosthetic eye is more aesthetic than functional.

Per ICD-10 guidelines, SUV is included in the same category as pick-up truck or van. Although Jeep is not specifically defined in ICD-10, I recommend including Jeeps in the SUV/pick-up truck or van category.

In these situations, Height of Fall is recorded with an I for inappropriate. You can record any additional information you wish (excluding patient/provider specific information (PHI)) in the Cause of Injury Specify field.

Any previous head injury that caused anything from drowsiness to severe injury. When we say “A TBI must be clearly documented” this means any brain injury, so SDH qualifies. You do not need the actual text of “TBI”. You would often only see that wording if they don’t get a diagnosis.

Please refer to the Best Practices Guidelines for abuse. If you cannot locate this resource, please contact PTSF staff, and we can provide it for you. I hope this document helps clarify abuse for you. This resource provides great information, and best practices for abstraction as well. Any physical assault is not abuse. However, according …

In situations where patients fall in place while going up steps, we recommend recording a fall height of 0 = fall on same level. This is only true if their fall did not result in a fall down the stairs. For mechanism in ICD-10, you will use the category for fall from/on stairs.

Mechanism of injury plays no role in the Pre-hospital Cardiac Arrest definition. This pre-existing condition should be considered for every PTOS patient regardless of their MOI or diagnoses.